Lucky 13
Choice Based Learning
According to a Governmental study in 2022, over 90% of the UK prison population is Neurodiverse, however our educational offering provides little to cater for a wide and diverse spectrum of learners. A new approach to education, curriculum design within the hands of each student. A pack of 13 cards delivered weekly containing aspirational themes tethered to a block of learning.
The full-colour, learning cards are providing accredited educational material to over 2,500 prisoners in UK and USA prisons.

InHouse Records
worlds first educational record label in prison
What if the siloed delivery in prison of maths, English, garnering poor engagement and attendance were transformed to resemble a lake of learning? Aspiration, lifelong learning and a serious reduction in re-offending.
InHouse Records operates in UK and USA prisons as an alternative to education that continues when students leave prison. 428% Increase positive behaviour and an incredible 0% Re-Offending rate.

Aux Magazine
arts based magazine for prisoners by prisoners
As a response to the pandemic measures on UK prisons restricting movement to just 15 minutes a day out of cell, we designed the only fully colour arts based magazine for prisoners by prisoners. Aux Magazine has exponentialy increased literacy in UK prisons, having distributed over 75,000 copies in the UK.
Emily Thomas the Governor of HMP Isis said of Aux: "Young men here have been having to spend lots more time in their cells and the weekly magazines have been really popular. We're really grateful for the support because it means that our young men know people are thinking of them.”

Each One Teach One
pupil refferal units
Each One Teach One is a charity committed to supporting children in Pupil Referral Units though innovative education. We Co-Designed sessions for creative discovery through the arts allowing for safe settings to action agency, experiment, fail and create. Since launching we have engaged with over 300 unique participants, with 32% returning to mainstream education and 76% gaining five or more GCSE's.